Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We Want So Badly to Hate Redondo, But...

So here's the thing. We certified at Redondo and grew to hate it by the time we were done. Why? Because you can make the lap to see everthing there in 30 minutes flat. The VW is only cool the first couple of times that you see it, then it's like "Oh look. The VW. That's amazing." However, before all of you dive hippies that dive Redondo faithfully and love it like the freckle-faced, redheaded step-child that it is get your hemp panties all up in a bunch, I will admit that Redondo actually has some amazing marine life. While I do stand firm in my belief that Redondo is not nearly as cool as the hippies think it is, it has produced some amazing finds for us in the few weeks previous. Take a look at the show and you'll see what I mean.

-Swimmer Todd-


Robin and Stephenie said...

very cool... I do need to ask what is Rob licking it looks gross! your blog will so be added to our list of friends

Jeremy 'n Brandy said...

Totally great site. I will be checking back again and again to hear your stories. By the that an octopus under Jeremy? eek

The Perfect Dive said...

Why yes, that is an octopus under Jeremy! Not the biggest that we've seen, but certainly not a little fella!